Religious Education News

05 September 2019

All The Things

Why do we teach High School OWL (Our Whole Lives)? Because STI's are on the rise among Salt Lake County youth. Because even though they took OWL in 8th or 9th grade, in 8th and 9th grade they didn't have a serious partner, who they are NOW doing SERIOUS things with. Because they see babies, and think having one can't possibly be that hard. Because, because, because. OWL is not just about the act of sex. Let's say that again for the people in the cheap seats, OWL IS NOT JUST ABOUT THE PHYSICAL ACT OF SEX. It is so, so much more. It's a safe space, with trusted adults and friends to ask questions. It's a group where they can learn how to do a self-breast or self-testicular exam (did you know that more than half of the men who are diagnosed with testicular cancer are between age 20 and 45?) I know our families make their homes safe spaces for their kids to ask questions. But you are dreaming if you think that every question your youth has is going to be directed at you, not their friends. Our OWL classes are open to all, not just families who are already enrolled in RE at First Church. Tell your friends who have High School aged youth. Let's give them another time and space to be in community, learn, and ask their very important questions.

In Peace,

Amanda Esko 
Director of Religious Education


High School OWL(Our Whole Lives) High School, will meet twice a month, on Sunday evenings. Please know that these classes do fill up, but priority is given to families registered and established in our Religious Education program.  Click here for High School OWL Registration .  Questions? Email Amanda Esko at

RE Registration

Join the RE Party! Registration for this church year is up and running, please register today!  Click here to for RE Registration 


Chalice Lighting Families
We're looking for chalice lighting families! Please signup to light our chalice in the main sanctuary!
Help! With RE beginning next week, our classrooms all still need volunteers! Follow the link below to signup. Remember, we are a co-operative program, and need family support in order to maintain safe adult/youth ratios in classrooms!  Click here for Volunteer Signup 
 RE Calendar
September 5- COA Parent Orientation
September 8- In-Gathering
September 9- Family Fun Night
September 15- Welcome Back Potluck
September 15- HS OWL Parent Orientation
September 22- Activities Fair
September 29- COA Ropes Course