The annual auction is our largest fundraising event of the year. This year's auction was held November 2nd at Viridian Event Center. For more information please contact our auction committee at
Check out our Auction Video!
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Caring Team at First Unitarian Church! Our job is to provide acts of kindness to those of our members who are experiencing illness or other setbacks, thereby deepening relationships among us. At First Church, our goal is: No one is ever alone.
If you would like to find out more about the team or join us, email
Come join Environmental Ministry and help us advocate and take action challenging environmental and climate injustice. Email Environmental Ministry at or stop by our Environmental Ministry table in our social hall on Sundays to join our mailing list and get involved.
Here are some of our ongoing projects:
1. Environmental Reading/Video Discussion Group (monthly)
2. NetZero/Green Sanctuary
3. Recycling
4. Saving Great Salt Lake Project
5. SWAP (twice a year)
6. Tending SOIL: Environmental/Climate Justice Solidarity
7. Voter Outreach
To see upcoming projects and events, join our Environmental Ministry Facebook group and check out the church’s weekly newsletter, The Torch.
Environmental Reading/Video Discussion Group Zoom Registration
Within the Unitarian community, Mindfulness Meditation is offered to support our individual spiritual quest by developing an individual practice of Mindfulness Meditation. Sunday mornings, we offer meditation guidance for calming our minds and opening our hearts to practice mindfulness in our daily lives. All are welcome! Email for zoom link and notice of activities
Sundays: Our UU Mindfulness Meditation meets every Sunday, on Zoom and in the UU Parlor at 10:05 am. We offer a dharma teaching, guided meditation, inquiry/discussions and practice guidelines.
Monthly Activities:
Want to meet new people and develop relationships that go deeper? Small Group Ministry is the place for you. In our small groups, we share a monthly reflection theme and learn the skills of active listening, growing close to each other through sharing our personal journeys. Lifelong friendships are made in our small groups, as we learn to care for one another.
It's that time of year again - time to register for Small Group Ministry! Small Group Ministry gives participants a monthly opportunity to explore a topic together, practice covenant and deepen relationships through the art of listening. We ask participants to re-register every year, no matter how many years you've been participating. Click Here to register for the 2024-25 church year.
Whether you're new to small groups, or have been participating for years, we ask that you register again each year so we can keep our rolls up-to-date. Reach out to us if you have any questions at:
The First Unitarian Church sponsors several Social Justice issues that promote our Unitarian Universalist principles of working toward the goals of justice, equity and compassion in human relations; world community with peace, liberty and justice for all; and respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. The amount of your involvement can be great or small and there is a place for everyone who would like to be involved.
Social Justice at
Street Tai-Chi at
Mystical Spirituality - John Shavers (Facilitator), Carol Ramogasa (Co-Facilitator)
Background: Our group started in the fall of 2018 at First UU Church. We meet weekly to discuss works dealing with mystical spirituality. The format of the meetings begins with a short meditation followed by a discussion on a reading. We meeting in-person weekly on Sundays at 12:30 pm, Room 208.
We are restarting our Mystical Spirituality book discussions on Sunday October 6 at 12:30 pm in room 208. We will begin with the book, “The Mystic Heart” by Wayne Teasdale.
Please let me know if you have any questions; John Shavers at