
2022 AUCTION: October 22, 2022 6pm

This is the Place – The Garden Place at Heritage Park



You won’t want to miss this year’s annual auction fundraiser of First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City! The date is Saturday, October 22 at 6 pm, at a new venue for 2022, This is the Place – The Garden Place at Heritage Park.

The Annual Auction Needs You!

Silent Auction goes live Saturday, October 15th at 10am. 
Take this opportunity to begin bidding on exciting items.  If you’re not going to be around for the LIVE event, this is your opportunity to bid on some great items.  Be sure to have your credit card registered also, or you will not be able to bid. 
Join us for the LIVE event on Saturday, October 22nd at 6pm at This is the Place – The Garden Place at Heritage Park. 
You still have a few day to get your tickets, don’t miss out!  This event has a NEW video that will premier that evening.  You definitely don’t want to miss it, nor the wide variety of live auction items.



Fairly Free Thinker Award
Your Auction Committee is excited to announce this year’s recipient of the Fairly Free Thinker Award - Karrie Galloway and Planned Parenthood Association of Utah!  After four decades of fighting for women’s bodily autonomy, Karrie is retiring as executive director and CEO of PPAU at the end of this year. Planned Parenthood of Utah filed a lawsuit in July challenging Utah’s abortion “trigger law” that is making its way through the courts. We are very pleased to recognize and honor Karrie and PPAU as our Fairly Free Thinker awardees!
Options for auction participation!
The in-person event at This Is the Place Garden Place will include cocktails and dinner, silent auction, raffle, live auction, and the awarding of the annual Fairly Free Thinker Award. Tickets are $100 per person

The virtual event will offer remote access on Zoom, for the real-time live auction, silent auction, and the awarding of the Fairly Free Thinker Award. Tickets are $50 per person

The online silent auction will open online one week prior to the live event, on Saturday October 15th.  Even if you are not able to participate in person or virtually, you may still bid on the wonderful dinners, event tickets, art work, raffle baskets, and other surprising experiences!

All donors will receive recognition on the auction website and at the in-person event.

$100  –   Bronze level
$250  –   Silver level 
$500  –   Gold level,  receives 2 free tickets!
$1,000 – Platinum level, receives 4 free tickets!
Our theme this year is “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow”.  We all need to be thinking about our future, what we want, what we need, and what we are willing to do to make it happen.  Please help by becoming a sponsor for this year’s auction.
Your 2022 Auction Committee
Michele Page and Becky Heal, co-chairs
Cathy Chambless, Jessica French, Tracy Walton, Colleen Bliss, Nancy Moos, Darlene Thayne, Alice Brown, Nikki Blackburn, Donnie Davis, Eve Smith, Sherri Wittwer, Jo Jennings, Cheryl Johnson, Jan Crane, Robin Dale, Julia Kleinschmidt
For questions, contact us at


2022 AUCTION: October 22, 2022 6pm

This is the Place – The Garden Place at Heritage Park



You won’t want to miss this year’s annual auction fundraiser of First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City! The date is Saturday, October 22 at 6 pm, at a new venue for 2022, This is the Place – The Garden Place at Heritage Park.

Your Auction Committee is excited to announce this year’s recipient of the Fairly Free Thinker Award – Karrie Galloway and Planned Parenthood Association of Utah!  After four decades of fighting for women’s bodily autonomy, Karrie is retiring as executive director and CEO of PPAU at the end of this year. Planned Parenthood of Utah filed a lawsuit in July challenging Utah’s abortion “trigger law” that is making its way through the courts. We are very pleased to recognize and honor Karrie and PPAU as our Fairly Free Thinker awardees!

We are asking if you will consider helping sponsor the Auction this year. Sponsorships are used to underwrite expenses for the auction to ensure all proceeds go directly to the mission of First Church.

Why support the auction? Read Michele Page’s reasons:

My wife, Sue, and I began attending First UU Church of SLC around 2004. I was first to attend, having heard Rev. Tom Goldsmith speak before. Sue was quite reluctant, given the fact that we were each raised in the LDS faith and attended BYU (I know, right!). But seriously, we were both traumatized by experiences within the LDS church, especially me. I had to endure two bishops’ courts at BYU – the trauma has had a lifelong impact on me.  Neither of us wanted anything to do with organized religion ever again. Reluctantly, Sue agreed to attend a service after much insistence by me. Sue equally loved Tom’s sermons and soon we were holding a child dedication for our daughter in early 2005. We have been members since that time. 

We raised our son and daughter in the religious education program and are grateful for the valuable information they gained over the years. They both went to Boston with their peers and loved the trip and learning about UU history. First UU Church has been a tremendous asset in our lives. We have developed life-long friendships and found a like-minded community of incredible individuals. 

Over the years we have held many positions, including co-chairs of Social Justice and Pledge Committees. Sue served on the Board for 6 years, 2 as President. We taught 1st grade RE (that’s another story) and served as leaders and members of Small Group Ministry for years. I have also served as auction chair for several years, and co-chair this year. We are grateful for this church and our UU friends.

Please consider becoming a sponsor for this year’s auction. 

  – Michele Page

Options for auction participation!

The in-person event at This Is the Place Garden Place will include cocktails and dinner, silent auction, raffle, live auction, and the awarding of the annual Fairly Free Thinker Award. Tickets are $100 per person

The virtual event will offer remote access on Zoom, for the real-time live auction, silent auction, and the awarding of the Fairly Free Thinker Award. Tickets are $50 per person

The online silent auction will open online one week prior to the live event, on Saturday October 15th.  Even if you are not able to participate in person or virtually, you may still bid on the wonderful dinners, event tickets, art work, raffle baskets, and other surprising experiences!

How to become a sponsor for the auction:

Go online to the 2022 church auction page CLICK HERE and scroll down to “Donate Now.” You may register for the auction now, or at a later time.


If you plan to attend the auction (in-person or virtual), CLICK HERE to buy your tickets AND become a sponsor.  This path will register you for the auction. 

All donors will receive recognition on the auction website and at the in-person event.

$100  –   Bronze level
$250  –   Silver level 
$500  –   Gold level,  receives 2 free tickets!
$1,000 – Platinum level, receives 4 free tickets!
Our theme this year is “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow”.  We all need to be thinking about our future, what we want, what we need, and what we are willing to do to make it happen.  Please help by becoming a sponsor for this year’s auction.
Your 2022 Auction Committee
Michele Page and Becky Heal, co-chairs
Cathy Chambless, Jessica French, Tracy Walton, Colleen Bliss, Nancy Moos, Darlene Thayne, Alice Brown, Nikki Blackburn, Donnie Davis, Eve Smith, Sherri Wittwer, Jo Jennings, Cheryl Johnson, Jan Crane, Robin Dale, Julia Kleinschmidt
For questions, contact us at


Notice of Congregational Meeting

May 22, 2022 12:30pm in the Chapel

(also live-streamed on zoom: Zoom Link)


  • Call to Order & Quorum
  • New Members
  • Recognizing service of Board of Trustees (Dot)
  • Board Elections
  • Pledge Report
  • Endowment Report
  • 2021-2022 Finances: Audit Report.
  • Update on Alleged Embezzlement.
  • 2022-2023 Budget
  • Transition Update
  • Election of the Search Committee
  • Q&A

The Annual Report will be available prior to the meeting on our website here: annual-reports (it's not there yet and probably won't be there until closer to the 22nd).  In our effort to cut down on paper usage, we will not be printing out the report unless you request a copy.  If you wish to have a hard copy of the report (about 65 pages), send me an email at , and I'll print a copy for you with your name on it that you can pick up in the office.  

We will have printed copies of the budget portion of the report available for the meeting on May 22nd.

As announced before, there are two budget Q&A sessions scheduled prior to the meeing:
  • Zoom Meeting tonight 5-12-22 at 7pm on our Zoom Link 
  • In-person meeting in the Chapel after the 11am service (approx 12:15pm) on Sunday 5-15-22

Sunday, April 10th at 2:30pm, Great Salt Lake State Park

- A day of public witness in honor of the Great Salt Lake with First Unitarian Church, South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society, and Holladay United Church of Christ. 

The Great Salt Lake faces devastation from climate change, water diversion, and runaway development. As the lake reaches record low levels, we gather at Great Salt Lake State Park to witness, to mourn, and to rededicate ourselves to the lands that support our lives. 

This event will begin with a brief public worship with poetry, song and lamentation followed by an opportunity to participate in ritual, walking meditation, education and art activities as a community.  This is an event you do not want to miss - we are very excited to be partnering with Friends of the Great Salt Lake for children's activities, and local poet and ecological activist Nan Seymour. 

Parking is $5 per car, cash preferred (please carpool so as to save gas and resources). Don’t forget to bring your reusable water bottle, a snack, sunscreen and/or hat, shoes that can get muddy, and most importantly your full and open heart for the beauty of this sacred sanctuary in our midst.

Click Here for the GSL state park map

Applications to Join the Nominating Committee for the 2022-24 term are now open

In this welcome period of transition, the Board of Trustees of the First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City would like to explore different approaches to governance and lay leadership development. 

Per our bylaws, we have two established committees: the Nominating Committee and the Endowment Committee. In the past, the Board selected members for the Nominating Committee using an ad hoc process. This year, in the pursuit of greater inclusivity and transparency, we would like to pilot an open application process to fill two vacancies on the Nominating Committee for the 2022-2024 period (two-year term). 

The primary purpose of the Nominating Committee is to identify and nominate eligible and talented members for election to the Board of Trustees. To this end, the Nominating Committee actively participates in developing, vetting, and training the lay leadership team of the Church. Members of the Nominating Committee are expected to be familiar with a wide array of members of the congregation as well as understand the diverse skills and talents required of Board members for effective governance.

If service on the Nominating Committee is of interest to you, we invite you to apply for one of two vacancies for the 2022-2024 term using the following Google Form:

Applications to Join the Sr. Minister Search Committee

As we embark on the next step in our ministerial transition, that of selecting a search committee to find us our next Sr. Minister, the Transition Team encourages everyone to participate to the fullest as you are all able.  Following is an outline of the Sr. Minister Search Committee Selection Process and what is coming next.  The first step in the process to create a Sr. Minister Search Committee is to gather potential names from church members and friends.  The Transition Team will lead this process by surveying First Church members and friends using the church’s text messaging system and email followed up with phone calls to make sure we have included as many members and friends as possible.  We expect this initial process to take approximately three weeks at which time the Transition Team will contact potential nominees regarding their qualifications and willingness to serve and then send the names of 12-14 potential members to the Boad for consideration. The Board will identify a Search Committee slate consisting of seven (7) active First Church members.  This slate will be published in the church’s annual report and distributed to all congregants prior to the annual congregational meeting on May 15, 2022. The Candidates for Sr. Minister Search Committee will be ratified as a slate at the annual congregational meeting on May 15, 2022.  A Slate of candidates is nominated rather than individuals because the candidates are selected as a team, bringing individual skills, experience and personalities that should complement each other’s to create an effective whole, as well as ensure diversity and inclusion.  No nominations from the floor will be considered. Please note the following criteria for service on the Ministerial Search Committee:

  • Membership in First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City is required.
  • Member(s) of the Transition Team or Board will not be eligible to serve on the Search Committee due to the time and energy required of search committee members during the term of their membership on the committee.
  • Nominees must agree to suspend other time-consuming positions they hold with the church if chosen for the search committee.

The member and friends survey will be conducted through Google and will ask you to consider the following questions.  After thinking about all of these questions, please submit for consideration up to seven (7) names of First Church members who you trust to serve on the search committee on behalf of the congregation.  Note: Self-nominations are encouraged here!

  • What are the good qualities needed for someone to serve on a ministerial search committee?
  • Who in the congregation works well with others?
  • Who can represent and serve the whole congregation well (including looking out for the needs of children) and not just a piece or “faction” of the congregation?  Who is free of a conflict of interest?  
  • Who knows (or can learn) the history and culture of the congregation, whether a member of long standing or relatively new?
  • Who has been and/or is active in the congregation and has demonstrated both responsible participation and responsible leadership?
  • Who would be able to know and relate the strengths and weaknesses of our congregation to potential candidates?

Link for the Sr. Minister Search Committee nomination form > click here


A full copy of the Sr. Minister Search Committee Selection Process including the search committee job description and timeline can be found [HERE]

OUTDOOR Winter Solstice Celebration - December 21, 2021 @ 6:00pm

People across time and cultures have gathered outside to celebrate the longest night of the year.  Let us continue this tradition and gather together on the Tom Goldsmith Plaza to make merry, nibble on traditional sweetmeats and sip Wassail.  Join our drum circle to encourage the return of the sun.  Create symbols of the season in our maker's area.  This dark, contemplative season is perfect for releasing that which no longer serves you and deciding what you want to bring into the new year.  

Remember, this is an OUTDOOR event so dress accordingly!

Reserve your free ticket on our Eventbrite Page, click here

Transparent Christmas Yellow Bells with Red Bow PNG Clipart


December 19th, 9 am & 11 am - Pageant and Carols (both services will be live-streamed on Zoom) Tickets will be available to the public on Tuesday Dec 14th

December 21st, 6 pm - 7:30 pm - Solstice Worship Service outside on the Goldsmith Plaza and playground Tickets will be available on Thursday Dec 16th

December 24th, 5:30 pm & 7 pm - Candlelight Service (both services will be live-streamed on Zoom) Tickets will be available Monday Dec 20th at 7am

December 26th - Only One Worship Service at 11 am Tickets will be available Monday Dec 20th at 7am

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Seating is limited in the Chapel and Eliot Hall. Reserved tickets, proof of vaccination and masks are required.

Click Here for the link to our Eventbrite page, where you can reserve your free ticket (this will show what time and seating locations are available).

If you reserve a ticket but won't be able to make it please cancel your reservation so it will be available for others, thank you.


Our most heartfelt gratitude goes out to YOU—our community members who generously support our church and our work. And thanks to the Auction Committee and volunteers who made this night possible 

Just in time for the day after Thanksgiving sales--here are the auction items that are still available.  Please contact Stefanie at or call the church office at 801-582-8687 ext 202 (please leave a message) if you would like to purchase any of these items. 

Check out the incredibly well done "Modern Unitarian" video that premiered at the auction (YouTube link at the bottom of the page).


Auction Items Still Available (updated 1-27-22)

Silent Mindfulness Meditation Retreat (FEB 2/12/22), 6 spots available, $50 ea

Silent Mindfulness Meditation Retreat (MAY 5/21/22), 9 spots available, $50 ea

Easy-Peasy Bread-Making Class 3/12/22, 6 spots available, $40 ea

Floral Art Stitchery, 1 item available, $50

Thai Dance (art), 1 item available, $50

Group Billiards Lesson for 6 (Date TBD), 1 item available, $125

Politics and Pundits, 2 spots available, $80 Sold

Embellished perfume Bottle, 1 item available, $25 Sold

Big Band Concert & Dance Party (6/11/22), 33 spots available, $45

Wine and Wander (6/26/22), 30 spots available, $30

Tarot Among Friends, 1 spot available, $75 Sold

Double-fermented kombucha class & equipment, 1 spot available, $140

1960s Prom with $onny and Cher (6/4/22), 37 spots available, $35

Antique Mason’s Ironstone China Pitcher, 1 available, $60 Sold

Women’s Teton Retreat (July 29-31), 3 spots available, $250



 Fairly Free Thinker Award

Photo by Ken Kraus (thanks Ken!)


Directed & produced by Becky Heal.
Lyrics by Todd Seymour.
Musical direction by David Owens-Lupu.
Audio & video production by Tristan Moore

On October 3, 2021, the Sanctuary Steering Committee received the Gandhi Peace Award.  Click Here for the video presentation created by Don Walton and Phil Davis (thank you Don and Phil!), and thank you to everyone that has helped along the way.


Vicky Chavez received her work permit on Wednesday, October 13, 2021!! Now, she is eligible to work!!! Of course, she doesn't have a job yet.  So, she could still use our help - financial support to help from now until a job is found, tips on finding a work-from-home job, experience setting up a business. Go to the Sanctuary page here on the website to help financially or contact Joan Gregory  or text 801-949-2906, for questions or sharing information about jobs, and more.